Calgary Herald: 'Political leaders in Ottawa delivered another insult to Albertans recently by bending over backwards to make Quebec even more overrepresented in the House of Commons....
'...None of the debate got to the crux of the issue: the formula has three rules that already guarantee Quebec overrepresentation, so any decision to give Quebec more extra seats unfairly makes everyone else’s voice weaker.
'The first rule in the founding constitution was that no province would have fewer MPs than its number of senators, boosting Atlantic Canada’s numbers because they are vastly overrepresented in the Senate. The second guarantees no province would ever have fewer seats than it had in 1985. This adds multiple seats beyond the population to Quebec (4), Saskatchewan (4) and Manitoba (2).'
It's time to play hardball, and if Quebecers don't like it, they can get the hell out--saving us all a lot of time, money, and acrimony.