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The CCP-compromised WHO asks rich nations to pay ‘fair share’ of US$16 billion CCP Virus funding gap

SCMP: 'So far, US$814 million had been pledged and middle-income countries were asked to contribute US$6.5 billion themselves, leaving a gap of US$16 billion, the WHO said on Wednesday.

'“Fair share” contributions were calculated for each of the 55 countries classed as rich to cover the immediate costs of US$16.8 billion. For the 2020-21 ACT Accelerator budget, only six countries met or exceeded their fair share commitments: Canada, Germany, Kuwait, Norway, Saudi Arabia and Sweden.'

Canada has already paid its 'fair share,' although it should never have sent a dime. Why? The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for the manufacture of the virus and its spread. The CCP should be forced to pay reparations to the nations of the world for the damage it has caused and for the millions of lives it has taken. Furthermore, to the extent that the American NIH and Fauci had anything to do with the gain of function research carried out in Wuhan, they should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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