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Public health advisors are telling Liberals what they don’t want to hear

National Post: 'Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s chief public health officer, has for weeks been telegraphing a change in strategy from COVID prevention to managing the virus “much like how we manage … influenza, or RSV (a common respiratory virus), or enteroviruses that cause the common cold.” Various restrictions on gatherings and events are up for review in Victoria next week, and Henry has hinted they might not survive...

'...At Queen’s Park, chief public health officer Dr. Kieran Moore is also talking down the effectiveness of vaccine passports. “The vaccine isn’t providing significant benefit at two doses against the risk of transmission, as compared to someone unvaccinated,” he said last week. “We have to reassess the value of the passports.” On Thursday he seemed to rule out adding a third-dose requirement...

'...As Tristin Hopper noted in the National Post this week, many countries in Europe are roaring ahead of us: Spain, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Ireland. But all those countries fared far worse during the pandemic than Canada did. I have long argued that the countries whose performances we can and should measure ourselves against are Norway and Finland: prosperous, non-island nations that cannot reasonably cut themselves off from essential travel.'

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