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Police searching for 200 kg of explosives stolen from business

National Post: 'At 5 a.m. Monday, the White Butte detachment received a report of a theft from a business in a rural area southeast of Regina, the RCMP said in a press release issued Wednesday afternoon. The theft occurred between 4 and 4:30 a.m. Sunday, according to police.

'The explosives in question cannot be activated without specialized equipment, which was not stolen, an RCMP spokesperson said. However, the explosives are still flammable, they said.

'Although the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety enforces mining regulations, which requires mines to report any theft of explosives, a spokesperson indicated the ministry has received no notifications of any thefts from mines recently. However, she also noted, “the ministry is not responsible for explosives used in other commercial and industrial purpose.”

'The RCMP has not disclosed the precise type of explosives or where they came from, except to say, “if you find these — or any/what you believe to be — explosives, do not touch them. Call police immediately. Saskatchewan RCMP has an Explosives Disposal Unit trained to safely handle these materials.”'

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