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Mendicino doesn't care to substantiate B.S. claim that Freedom Convoy is tied to extremist group

The Epoch Times: 'Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino claimed today there are links between the individuals arrested on serious criminal charges in Coutts, Alberta, with the leaders of the protest in Ottawa, but when pressed on the nature of those ties he did not substantiate them.

'“Several of the individuals at Coutts have strong ties to a far-right extreme organization with leaders who are in Ottawa,” said Mendicino in a press conference on Feb. 16 alongside Justice Minister David Lametti and Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair in Ottawa.

'“We’re talking about a group that is organized, agile, knowledgeable, and driven by an extremist ideology, where ‘might makes right.’ This is completely contrary to our democratic values.”

'When pressed by reporters on the nature of the group in Coutts and the alleged ties to Ottawa, Mendicino responded these questions should be directed at law enforcement.'

The only extremists here are members of the Liberal Party of Canada and their parrots in the corporate mainstream media.

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