LH: 'As technocracy expert Patrick Wood says, it was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program.
'This was the same year that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development were unleashed on the world. The new agenda for the world required a new kind of leader and Klaus Schwab’s program was key to the whole evil plan.
'That new kind of leader would offer exactly the kind of “leadership” we see in Ottawa, Paris, London and Washington. Leaders who basically hate their own people and do not care one bit what they think because they don’t answer to the people. They answer to their bosses at the World Economic Forum, folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab.
'This is why Justin Trudeau could tell more than 50,000 Canadian truckers that they held “unacceptable views” about vaccine mandates and he would not meet with them to hear their concerns, even though they had the backing of up to a million or more Canadians thronging the streets to welcome the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy into their cities and towns. This is why Joe Biden could tell the 40 percent of Americans who rejected his experimental vaccines that “our patience is wearing thin.” Emmanuel Macron could deride the vaccine refusniks in his country as well, telling them that they would no longer be treated as French citizens and that he would purposely work to enact policies that would “piss them off.”'