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King Murphy: Food and energy — the Liberal regime's attack on life's essentials

National Post: '...Why are we hitting an industry that could offer so much advantage to us, that could make Canada a real presence in the politics of the world today? Why is our government so beholden to the IPCC and Davos and the Great Reset that we manacle a great and abundant natural resource? There is no answer to this question, except the sad one that once ideology takes firm hold in the mind of a government, everything else becomes secondary. And that the ambition of a prime minister to be part of some great global crusade may cruelly lead to a neglect or a carelessness about the country he actually governs.

'Now with the energy industry, it has so long been hobbled, denigrated and attacked that some may, sadly, think it’s just business as usual. Everyone knows Big Oil is a villain until of course they run out of it — see Germany. But there is another industry as central, perhaps in a fundamental sense more crucial, and that is agriculture. Canadian agriculture is a great success, a success built on generations of toil, love of the land, and expertise. Modern agriculture, for those who even have a glimpse of its complexity and sophistication, is a real wonder....

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