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Conrad Black: The vassalization of Ukraine and the fall of western civilization

National Post: 'The bone-crushing defeat of the pro-western option in Ukraine has swiftly accelerated the collapse of western civilization and our submission to our new Chinese masters...

'...The prime minister’s characterization of all the truckers as they approached Ottawa, on the basis of no knowledge or reliable information, as racists, sexual bigots and misogynists was inexcusable and disgraceful. The recourse to the Emergencies Act was unnecessary, oppressive and unless the highest echelon of our judiciary has disintegrated completely, it was likely also illegal. The truckers should have gone to greater lengths to protect themselves against imputations of holding fascist or other extreme views and somewhere around Winnipeg they should have elected a leadership committee and formulated a reasonable list of demands. The prime minister should have offered to meet them. The government’s response to an uneven outpouring of populist energy was a dismal and pompous failure.

'As the trucking crisis was abating in Canada and the Ukrainian crisis arose, a friend emailed to a number of us who follow these things that we were “considering a ‘nuclear option’ in cutting off some exports to Russia, and 460 of our meagre Armed Forces are being deployed to do nothing at all in Latvia except to send a signal — can you hear? Where is the sense of proportion here? Where is the assessment … especially by the media, of how well we do that or how inane it is in substance, and thus corrosive in effect? Where is the sense of the absurd expressed about this anywhere in Canada? Nowhere. It is part of our duty to show where we stand, as though it tipped an ounce on any scale. We’ve shown almost no critical judgment about these events in Ukraine anywhere in Canadian society; it is amazing.” ...

'...China’s early decision not to inform the rest of the world about the novel coronavirus, the horrifying shambles in Afghanistan, the self-punitive green dismemberment, the now almost certain capitulation to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, along with the indecent spectacle of self-hate America has made of its domestic affairs, and now the carefully arranged, bone-crushing defeat of the pro-western option in Ukraine, has swiftly accelerated the collapse of western civilization and our submission to our new Chinese masters and their chipper Russian sidekick. The only danger Russia posed was to accept the geopolitical embrace of China, and the U.S. Democrats managed to bring them together like Cupid. Our civilization has failed, crumbled in shame and humiliation just 30 years after we seemed to have won everything. I still believe we will revive, but only with a change of leadership as radical as that of Herbert Hoover, Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle. We generally get inspired leaders when we really need them; the People’s Republic of China is ultimately a fraud, and Putin’s Russia is a gangster state.'

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