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Artur Pawlowski talks being on trial for feeding Calgary's homeless during lockdown

Rebel News: 'Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been under prosecution by the crown for providing grilled steak, hot beverages and Christmas presents to the homeless community in Calgary, Alberta amid our cold winter.

'The greatest problem remains — the crown is out for blood and there is no end in sight regarding a consensus for his trial. After a gruesome three days spent in court, there have been no further proceedings.

'The crown tries to prove its allegations that Artur was coordinating a private gathering at a time when the government decided it was illegal to do so. And since this was a public event hosted on taxpayer-funded streets — where no single individual was denied participation — it seems that it will be difficult for them to prove their claims that this was a private "Christians-only" event.

'On June 22nd, the court will release the next official date following this heinous display of so-called "justice".'

Feed the homeless, go to jail. Don't put your kids on sterilizing hormones, go to jail. Don't take a dangerous gene therapy, lose your job. What's this country coming to?

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