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Apr 4, 20221 min read
Hitlerian eugenics in Canada: State will soon start offing the mentally ill
National Post: 'One year from now, in March 2023, Canada will become one of the few nations in the world that will offer to murder...
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Jan 26, 20221 min read
Cardinal Müller: “Behind the euthanasia movements is the negation of God…”
Catholic World Report: “Behind the façade of beautiful emancipation propaganda,” says Cardinal Gerhard Müller in a detailed interview,...
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Dec 8, 20211 min read
Switzerland gives go-ahead for futuristic gas chamber for state-sanctioned 'suicide'
New York Post: Nitschke, the eugenicist responsible for this abomination, wrote in 2018 that he now believes that everyone should have...
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