The Star [Archived]: 'Marianne Levitsky, an adjunct lecturer at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, said it definitely does. She doesn’t worry too much about outdoors, but indoors it’s key.
'“Of course it’s better if everyone is masked,” she added, because masks prevent individuals from breathing in potentially infectious particles.
'“Individually, wearing a mask absolutely does give you protection, said Dr. Fahad Razak, scientific director of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. If all members of a group can wear one, that’s even better.
'“For example, if you are visiting with a family member who is unwell or a friend who is immunocompromised, if everyone in the room is wearing a mask, that gives additional protection beyond just the vulnerable person wearing a mask,” he said.
'While the risk of catching COVID-19 has been reduced due to mass vaccination and much of the population having been infected, the virus is still very much present and protection is still needed, especially for those who are vulnerable, said Dr. Sameer Elsayed, a professor of infectious diseases, microbiology, epidemiology and biostatistics at Western University.'
These losers are terrified of life. It's a pathology, this mask-wearing; the kind of thing that would/could be cured by exposure therapy were the psych community still interested in actually helping people.