The Tyee: "The Emergencies Act, though not quite up to the job for which it was designed when it replaced the War Measures Act in 1988, is sufficient to resolve this crisis in the immediate term.
"It only gives the federal cabinet seven days to act after proclaiming an internal “public order emergency” without convening Parliament. That’s a problem for a minority government facing an imploding Opposition likely to put political gain and extreme ideology ahead of the national interest. But seven days should be long enough to remove the immediate threat."
According to The Tyee, David J. Climenhaga is "an award-winning journalist, author, post-secondary teacher, poet and trade union communicator." This so-called 'trade union communicator' is doing a good job communicating the interests--not of trade unions, but of--the state, the powerful, Big Pharma, and the Laurentian elite.
Curious that he would support wild cat strikes in 2020 or pre-emptively defend post-Brexit riots in Britain, but then take issue with this workers' protest of restrictions that disproportionately affect laborers, and the working and middle classes. That curiosity is quickly remedied when you recognize that he lauded the arrest of Pastor Pawlowski and is really keen on defending statist overreach and general medical tyranny.