National Post: 'In the view of Gerald Butts, some sort of weird virus must have infected the editorial boards of some of the world’s most respected newspapers, preventing them from understanding the unique circumstances that prompted Canada’s prime minister to invoke emergency powers.
'In a series of tweets assessing the decision, Butts — former principal secretary to Justin Trudeau — started off with a slap at several editorials that denounced the decision as unnecessary and dangerous.
'“First, the foreign coverage is lame. The (Financial Times of London) (New York Times) and (The Economist) editorials read like they were written about a generic protest in a country they don’t pay much attention to, and a law they’ve clearly never read. It was sophomoric stuff from usually careful outlets.”
'If Butts had targeted the hallucinatory reports from the make-believe world of America’s extreme right, it would have been understandable. Indeed, it’s the conspiracy-obsessed Trumpist media that made frenzied attacks on unfriendly journalists a favourite weapon. But Butts’ intervention wasn’t aimed at the Fox mob or any of their cohort. The New York Times, Economist and Financial Times are all respected, upstanding, serious-minded publications with global audiences that look to them for accurate and well-informed coverage. And each of them thinks Justin Trudeau blew it when he seized on the Emergencies Act to end the siege in Ottawa’s streets...[Full article]'