First Things: "That said, there are still many specific concerns about the COVID vaccines that have to be approached, even if tentatively, as factual matters. In the first place, there are questions about the character of the emergency that the vaccines are supposedly addressing, a character often obscured by the “fog of war” surrounding the battle against COVID. The obscurity starts with the “modelling” that puts a lot of hypothetical numbers into play as quasi-facts. Next are the “case counts,” derived from a test so fine-grained—the PCR test—that no one knows exactly what it is detecting. And, finally, there are the ambiguous “death tolls,” which ascribe all deaths following the detection of COVID to its agency. Under these circumstances it can be hard to know what’s going on. A recent study published by the Ontario Civil Liberties Association examined mortality from all causes in Canada between January 2010 and March 2021 and found “no extraordinary surge in yearly or seasonal mortality which can be ascribed to a COVID-19 pandemic.” I don’t mention this finding as definitive, though I could find no fault with its reasoning or methods, but only in support of my idea that there is legitimate doubt about what exactly has been happening over the last 18 months.
"The same considerations apply to safety concerns about the vaccines. Some side-effects are well attested, although so far rare—among them blood clotting, heart inflammation, and disruption of women’s menses. We know that the number of injuries and deaths registered by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System in the U.S. are unusually high. But many other possible consequences are at this point only speculative. One such was revealed at the end of May by Canadian scientist Byram Bridle, an associate professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph. He told radio interviewer Alex Pierson that he and two colleagues had submitted a freedom of information request to the Japanese government’s vaccine regulator, the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, and received in response a previously unreleased study of the Pfizer vaccine. At the time, the manufacturers of the vaccines were claiming that the vaccine acted at or near the injection site and was not widely distributed in the body. The study that Bridle and his colleagues obtained, done on rats, showed otherwise. It found accumulations of the material that coats the mRNA in the vaccine in various parts of the body including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and, particularly worrying, the ovaries (of the female rats)..."