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"Thank you to the haters": Joe Rogan breaks silence on Spotify controversy

ZeroHedge: 'Rogan says something similar, claiming that practically every piece of "misinformation" has later been proven correct - everything from whether the vaccinated can still spread the virus, to whether COVID may have been created in a Wuhan laboratory, a view that once saw Zero Hedge banned from Twitter for months.

'"The problem I have with the term disinformation, especially today, is that 8 months ago, many of the things that were considered 'disinformation' are now accepted as fact. For example, 8 months ago, if you said 'if you get vaccinated you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID, you would be removed from social media, they would ban you from certain platforms."

'"I don't know if they're right? No...I'm not a doctor, I'm not a scientist...I'm just a person who sits down with people and have conversations with them. Do I get things wrong? Absolutely...but when I get things wrong I try to correct them...because I'm interested in finding out what the truth is, and I'm interested in having conversations with people who have different opinions. I'm not interested in talking with people...who have only one perspective."'

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