National Post: 'Our circumstances are not Ukraine’s. Not even close. Nor should they be a water slide from accountability for the most imposing invasion of civil rights in half a century. Trudeau, with NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh’s sweet compliance, called up emergency powers, ran roughshod over civil liberties and let the banks loose on private accounts — all because he didn’t like a protest movement.
'And yet, three weeks later, after all that, Trudeau went over to Brussels and presumed to tell European parliamentarians that, “The leaders of those convoys were effective in turning citizens with real anxieties against the system best suited to allay those concerns.”
'He presumed to lecture them on “leadership” and confronting the threat posed by Russia. Yet, given his record, who is listening? Given his government’s treatment of veterans, who can believe his fealty to the Canadian military? Given his lack of interest in civil liberties, who would not question his commitment to democratic principles? This is indeed a sad moment — for Canada and its standing within the free world.'