National Post: 'Since the protest started, one of the stated goals was getting a “memorandum of understanding” (MOU) signed by Canadian citizens. But on Tuesday, organizing group Canada Unity issued a statement to withdraw the MOU that demanded Gov. Gen. Mary Simon and the Senate join with the protesters to force federal and provincial governments to lift all COVID-19 restrictions, including vaccine mandates. The MOU was taken down from the Canada Unity website.
'“We represent the voice of many Canadians who desire to have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms upheld. We are everyday Canadians, not lawyers or politicians. We are immediately withdrawing the MOU as we do not want any unintended interpretations to continue,” the statement says. “Our sole desire with the MOU was to have a document where Canadians could peacefully express their displeasure with current (COVID-19) mandates, and express their desire to be free.”'