PJ Media: "Canada’s princess Trudeau and his government-funded news outlet, the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), are treating Canadian truckers the same way American lefty news outlets report on Jan. 6, spewing lots of lies about “Nazis” and phantom violence.
"One man, believed to be a paid actor, showed up carrying a confederate flag. He was also the only person in the video covering his face. He was promptly and peacefully called out by protesters and asked to leave.
"The truckers are entirely peaceful, but the sally-bois of Antifa have heard Trudeau’s dog whistle and are showing up to do what they do best: violently attacking people and most likely not paying the price.
"David Alexander Zegarac, of Headingley, Manitoba, was arrested for allegedly injuring four protesters. He ran four red lights in his attempt to escape. His charges include four counts of assault with a weapon, dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm, and failing to stop at the scene of an accident.
"The 42-year-old Zegerac fancies himself a “punk Antifa” singer. He is also an alleged pedophile. His punk rock dreams went up in flames after numerous accusations of sexual assault, including the grooming and rape of a 13-year-old girl."