CTV News: 'In his original post, the University of Alberta professor stated he would continue to wear a mask, primarily "to "spite Kenney." "Sad to see how deranged the left has become," the premier's response said. "This NDP law professor will wear a mask 'to spite' me. Why is everything always political to these lefties? And why is the NDP angry about getting life back to normal?"'
Kenney was 100% right. This law professor, Ogbogu, would appear to be mentally unwell if he'd continue to wear a mask, even though masks are ineffective at stopping transmission, the pandemic is over, the virus is endemic, and the virus is no longer lethal. Unless one is immuno-compromised, wearing a mask at this stage demonstrates a unhealthy paranoia extra to a blind submission to now-outmoded conventions rolled out by scandalized fearmongers.