Windsor Star: David Staples: 'In the strong, clear and visionary ruling, Alberta's top court has declared the Trudeau government's new process to approve industrial projects is unconstitutional.
'In the strong, clear and visionary ruling, Alberta’s top court has declared the Trudeau government’s new process to approve industrial projects is unconstitutional.
'More than that, the court undresses Trudeau’s scheme for what it is, a misguided and ugly power grab, stripping provinces of rights that are the glue binding Canada together.
'Trudeau’s law — the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) which governs the approval of everything from new wind farms to new hydro-electric lines, from major oil pipelines to liquefied natural gas plants — essentially seeks to put everything under the sun and all human activity under the control of the Prime Minister and his cabinet.
'If you think this is an overstatement on my part, here’s what Alberta Chief Justice Catherine Fraser said about the scope of Trudeau’s IAA: “The act touches land, water, air, flora, fauna and energy which pretty well covers the entire biosphere known to mankind. It is also aimed at social, economic, cultural, humanist and historical topics which pretty well covers all aspects of human life within the biosphere.”'