Breitbart: 'Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed this week that it’s not only African countries that need to worry about collapsing into authoritarianism.
'His decision to invoke emergency powers simply to deal with protests that have been almost entirely peaceful was completely without justification, and was based partly in the fervent desire of an urbane cultural elite to assert its political power against a working-class, rural lumpenproletariat.
'Most of us under a certain age were raised to believe that authoritarian regimes arise almost exclusively from the “right” — and that there is therefore some kind of connection between the racist, fascist nationalisms of the mid-20th century and ordinary conservatism. Indeed, much of left-wing punditry is devoted to finding or fabricating connections between the mainstream parties of the center-right to the extreme fringes: hence President Joe Biden’s “Jim Crow 2.0” epithet.
'Yet many of the world’s worst regimes have been those of the “left” — particularly Soviet and Chinese communism. Indeed, today the Chinese Communist Party maintains a system of concentration camps reminiscent of those once established by the Nazis in Europe. They are able to repeat those abuses partly because they have bought off their critics, and also because of a lingering sense in the West that communism must be given credit for good intentions.'