New York Post: 'Over the past few years — and, really, the past few decades — we’ve seen a steady assault on the well-being, and the social standing, of the working class, and a decline in upward mobility. And as people start to notice and object, the response has been to double down.
'The widespread lockdowns were nice for members of the Gentry Class, who fired up their laptops and worked remotely. They stayed home “keeping safe” while members of the working class brought them stuff.
'There were a few glimmers of gratitude — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau even told people to thank truckers — but those didn’t last long, nor did they conceal what turned out to be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, as big businesses like Amazon and Walmart thrived while mom-and-pop businesses failed under the lockdowns.
'And sometimes when the mask slipped, it literally slipped. As many have noticed, we developed a new convention in which the servant class is masked, while the celebrities and the oligarchs go free, something demonstrated at gatherings ranging from the Met Gala to the Oscars. Elsewhere, stars and politicians flouted the mask laws while small businesses were shut down...'