National Post: 'Canada’s Auditor General Karen Hogan says an ongoing strike in her office will delay the publication of her next reports, possibly for months, and she now fears for the “reputation and integrity of the institution.”
'The OAG generally delivers her reports twice a year.
'Last November, a group of 165 employees that represent the Office of the Auditor General’s (OAG) Audit Services Group voted to begin a strike after their contract expired in 2018...
'...Two key issues are at stake for the strikers, according to their union: pay raises and the absence of a wage grid to establish set annual salary increases for all members, as well the existence of wage gaps impacting many of the 75 per cent of women in the group (the OAG said that claim is “baseless”).
'...The OAG is one of the largest and most impactful federal government watchdog organizations and has revealed some crucial issues over time, such as the Sponsorship Scandal and the “incomprehensible failure” that was the Phoenix pay system....'
Wage gap is a lie. This strike is a scam. What might be in a spring report that we are not allowed to see right now?