Counter Signal: 'The think tank Moonshot CVE made the ridiculous claim in a Canadian Press article published yesterday by CBC News.
'“Our researchers called [the pandemic] a great equalizer because incels believed everyone would experience the social and romantic isolation that they suffer on a daily basis,” said the company’s spokesperson Alex Amend.
'“The end of lockdown and things opening up again will actually be more of a triggering point for them, so it would be beneficial for practitioners to pay more attention to the re-entry.”
'Here’s the catch, according to True North, Moonshot CVE has received millions from the Liberals for such brilliant “research” going back as far as 2018. ' Read more HERE.
Remember when a pedophilic antifa terrorist drove his jeep into and over peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters and no one did anything? Remember when anti-Christian bigots burned over 45 churches coast-to-coast? Remember when enviromarxist terrorists attacked CoastalLink workers? Pay any thought to the gangs murdering each other and innocents in Surrey and Toronto? If you don't, it's because the establishment media and the Liberal regime do its best to memory-hole the real threats to Canadian safety