Washington Examiner: '“We knew if we let them in, they were going to arrest us,” D.K. said. Inside, they were safe and legally protected. Outside the store, cops make the rules. Police continued trying to lure them out but ultimately failed. They relented from trying to force their way in when they noticed cameras on them, according to people in the café.
'The Freedom Convoy demonstrations came as a blessing in disguise for people like Enrico and D.K. It provided them with a windfall that helped alleviate the financial strain laid on small businesses by Canada’s coronavirus mandates. “The mainstream media will tell you this has been awful for local businesses,” an Iconic patron told local news outlet OrilliaMatters. “If there is a business open, they are doing fantastic right now.”
'Trudeau’s government recently announced that it would provide $20 million to Ottawa businesses affected by the Freedom Convoy protests. A good question is whether that money will also help those affected by his crackdown. Chief Bell warned those “involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges.” Trudeau has also said that he would pursue similar action on the federal level, expanding the size and scope of the security state.
'The owners of Iconic Café opened their doors to demonstrators, who, in turn, helped them bounce back. Will Bell and Trudeau come for people like them?
'D.K. thinks that there is still trouble ahead under Canada’s new norm. Apart from whatever Trudeau has in store for sympathizers, she said the officers suggested they would find ways to make business harder for the café. But they aren’t backing down. “We don’t have any rights anymore,” she said. '