Politico: “Gerhard Schröder accuses Ukraine of ‘saber-rattling.’ But perhaps it’s just the loose screws in his head that are rattling,” tweeted Jan Böhmermann, a well-known satirist."
Jan Böhmermann should volunteer to fight the war that Europe, Trudeau, and Biden are keen to provoke; to fight along the young men and women who may die to protect a corrupt quasi-failed state, whose own leader Zelensky has called the war-cries & maneuvers hysterical and panicky.
The left is not and has never been anti-war. That misbegotten notion derives from the popular memory of and revisionist histories promoted about their protest of the Vietnam war. Leftists and useful idiots protested the war, not because they abhorred violence (they love violence), but because they abhorred the thought of protecting Vietnamese Catholics from communist butchery--they didn't want to contest the CCP and CCCP's communist internationalism. The American left protested W. Bush's Iraq war but were silent on Obama's Syrian escapades (e.g. his arming of ISIS via Operation Timber Sycamore), Libyan devastation, and troop surges in Afghanistan and Iraq, because they were playing at domestic realpolitik.