Richmond News: 'Chiu added some commentary on Chinese media such as AM1320 has been “pro-China and anti-Canada and anti-West.”
'“I’m afraid that they are becoming more and more of a platform that repeats and regurgitates and amplifies certain point of views, and they’re not representing the complete Canadian perspectives. I think as media, it’s important for them to present the two sides,” Chiu said.
“The Ukrainian-Russian war, the invasion of the Russians, it’s only a catalyst and only one of the examples that I find disturbing as a Canadian of Chinese descent.”
'Meanwhile, many people on the Chinese forum Vanpeople have begun to worry about their own assets being “taken away” after reading and hearing about the news that “Western governments are taking away the assets of rich Russian people in Western countries.”'
Any member of the PLA, Beijing-sent spy, or member of the Communist Chinese Party should be kicked out of Canada immediately.