Globe & Mail: 'In other cases, fear of government stems from negative experiences in Canada. Vancouver resident Stephanie Allen said an elderly female relative of hers in Montreal refused to get vaccinated because she has experienced so much racism in the Canadian health care system.
'“You present symptoms, your concerns are not taken seriously, they’re downsized, you’re told that you’re confused,” Ms. Allen said. “I’ve seen among a lot of my aunts and relatives … ‘I don’t trust the vaccine. It’s this system that has always neglected me, why would it care about me now – why would I trust it?’ ”
'The relative vaccine hesitancy of Black and Indigenous people in Canada, according to a StatsCan survey in fall 2020, reflects the failure of the Canadian state to build trust with those communities, said Arjumand Siddiqi, division head of epidemiology at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.
'Centuries of neglect and abuse can’t simply be overcome by targeted vaccination campaigns, Prof. Siddiqi said. “In some ways there are no quick fixes. … The lesson is that going forward, we need deep investment.”'