National Post: 'Finally, after two years of health care horror, Canadians are waking up to the need for real change. A new Postmedia-Leger survey reveals more than one third of Canadians feel Canada’s health-care system performed poorly during the pandemic. While that much may be obvious, the real meat of the survey relates to how the pandemic shifted Canadians’ views of their health care system.
'Leger reports that 76 per cent of Canadians feel the pandemic provided evidence that meaningful health-care reforms are needed. That percentage remains above 70 per cent for all genders, age categories, and provinces of residence. Moreover, nearly eight in 10 Canadians agree that we need to be more open minded to significant reforms in our health-care system. Again that percentage holds relatively stable across demographics. It’s rare to find any statement, particularly in today’s ultra-divided political landscape, that so many Canadians agree upon.'