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May 1, 20221 min read
Why is Canada euthanizing the poor?
The Spectator: 'Despite the Canadian government’s insistence that assisted suicide is all about individual autonomy, it has also kept an...
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Mar 21, 20221 min read
Let them eat cake: UN Chief Guterres says people should endure high gas prices for good of planet
Breitbart: 'The pain of soaring gas prices must be endured because any wider embrace of fossil fuels as an alternative is “madness” and...
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Mar 17, 20221 min read
Mentally defective meat puppets DiCaprio, Ruffalo, & Johansson urge Royal Bank to cut off pipeline
Hollywood Reporter: 'Hollywood celebrities have signed a petition organized to urge the Royal Bank of Canada to stop financing the...
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Feb 6, 20221 min read
Jordan Peterson: The CBC should be shut down for colluding in totalitarian encroachment
"Canadians should say 'enough'. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for another single dollar of Canadian taxpayer money to go to...
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Nov 16, 20211 min read
UK requiring third jab for citizens to qualify as 'vaccinated' & enjoy mobility rights
The Guardian: Ministers are set to require three vaccinations from those eligible for booster jabs in order to qualify as being fully...
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